
Wednesday 13 March 2013


Security is the major challenge every country and individual is faced with daily. Infact so much money is pumped by every organization, nation and individuals to combat challenges attached to insecurity.

Nigeria in her last year's budget approved a last chunk of cash to help sort the challenge of security situation of the nation. So many tongues started wagging as soon as the budget was read.

Unfortunately despite the bogus sum pumped to curtail this "tumor", little or no effect has been felt as per compacting the menace eating up the nation.

This however, is a topic for another time.

Security situation on our social network is a matter that quite weighs me down.

Facebook, Social media  and other firms that offers services on the internet has put in their bits in educating the users about importance of security and bracing up self so as not to fall victim to online preys.

Take for instance, on Facebook, when a friend request is sent, a message comes up asking " do you know ABC"? but because most users always want to outshine others by having "massive" friends on their pages, they tend to ignore this question.

The consequence of these actions always wait around the corner like a time bomb ticking away.

If you take time to peruse through online publications or our news papers dailies, you will notice tales of kidnap, rape, murder, stalking and assaults by Facebook "friends"

This issue has been re-occurring persistently of late. I am certain we have not heard the last of it.

This year only ( 2 months and a week has passed by), eight different stories of kidnap, rape and robbery where plastered all over the internet and in the dailies. We can no longer close our eyes and wish these away.

Last year, Cynthia, a daughter of a big shot in Nigeria was lured to her death by Facebook "friends",  she was told that they had some items for sale and they would give her some concession off the items. She fell into the trap set for her as she was drugged, raped, robbed and murdered. The case is still in the court, the family are using every influence to get justice for the murder girl.
She was cut off at the prime of her days.

Another girl got kidnapped by a Facebook "lover". Not until the day she fell in this evil doer's hand, she has never met him one-on-one though the romance was sizzling and hot over the internet.

A friend of mine gave a miscreant a serious warning. She was added to his friend list because she happens to be a friend of a close friend. The "stalker" harassed and stalked this friend through his wall, inbox and phone line. Not until he decided to take action by blocking her and changing his line did he get the peace he so desired.

Social media is filled with the good, the bad and the ugly. We have lots of shady characters, pedophiles, thieves, those who prey on the innocents, scammers and of course genuine people who seek true friendship.

It is our duty to identify and isolate the bad ones. This is no easy task and for this reason alone we need to brace ourselves up by putting all those security buttons and functions in to use and be very vigilant and observant.

We must beware of those whom we associate with on the social media, ask for more information from friends of this "friends', do not disclose personal information to people we do not know, report social network "fraudsters" to appropriate authorities.

To buttress my point, two supposedly close buddies on Facebook had a major clash in February this year. One of duo posted personal info such as home address, phone numbers, pictures and husband's office details in a group for all to see. The "friend" went on psycho rampage revealing every secret and conversation to amusement of strangers.

The victim quietly left the group and disabled her account thereafter.

The question now is, how well do you know that face behind that social media? Not well known?

Be security conscious!

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