
Friday 8 March 2013


The valentine celebration has come and gone. February recorded high number of sales of romantic goodies. We had vast options available to us with lots of bonuses and promos. Online shops/ sites brought the stores closer to our door steps. Name it; shoes, bags, lingerie, perfumes,clothes, cars etc were flashed right in our faces. We were the major beneficiary of the superb gestures shown during the period.

Well, the wonderful news our dear men is, today is international Women's day if you are not aware. We want you to extend that wonderful, graceful and sense of worthiness you have been showering us with in time past.

 The week has been busy with hustling now it is TGIF. We need the new gear that will turn heads at Sunday service, remember its Women's day. The celebration will extend to Saturday and Sunday.

We are women after all, remember to bring those goodies.We need them

Signed Ever-supporting Women

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