
Tuesday 12 March 2013

Financial Information of USA First lady leaked.

The Internet has it advantages , the advantages are not limited to ease of access, speedy recovery and ability to transfer whatever information you seek. When there is a breach in this, then the headache, anger and pain set in.

A website published hacked financial information of the first lady of USA and the Vice President Joe Biden. The site also disclosed detailed financial information about celebs like Jay Z, Beyonce, Britney Spears, Donald Trump.

These hackers revealed very personal financial info about the First Lady. Her credit report, which includes her social security number, phone numbers, banking and mortgage info and credit card details was posted on the website.

Before this incidence, stars like Paris Hilton, Mel Gibson, Ashton Kutcher, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and LAPD Chief Charlie Beck have had their varying degrees of their financial records shared online.

Jay-z Card records shows him having  $227,000 balance on his American Express card (Black card?) and $800K on a $5.6M on his mortgage and Beyonce’s Credit Report of  HSBC credit card with a $30K limit

Reports has it that the LAPD and the FBI are looking into the matter.

Hope the culprits are apprehended. Where has the right to respecting people's privacy gone to?

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