
Monday 3 June 2013


BBA 8 Housemates are no longer novice, this is visible from today's nomination.
Some strong personalities are emerging, while some are still locked up in the shadow of not revealing who they really are:

1.Hakeem from Zimbabwe - At 1st strong glance he seems like he is the stronger contender of the pair from Zimbabwe. He is so suck up into Cleo. Like a love stuck puppy, the attachment to the beautiful Zambian was noticeable in his distancing himself and the little time interaction with other housemates in his new home. He tries to paint himself the player but it is clear the Zimbabwe hunk is so immature and can't keep up with macho image he is portraying. Being a Zimbabwean gives him a strong point.

2.Pokello: This beauty from Zimbabwe is clearly not Zimbabweans favorite being that she is a daughter of a politician back home. She has successfully hidden herself under the radar, so housemates don't see as her as a threat, she has escaped 2 nominations already thanks to her strategy. She clearly has no allies and enemies, that is working for her. She is the stronger contender of the Zimbabwe pair.

3. Biguessa, Neyll, Maria, Nando appears as weak, they don't talk too much. They are neither here or there.

4. Sulu and LK4- Both pairs are manipulators infact their intention is visible to housemates already, they know these two wants to win the game no matter whom gets hurt on their way to the top. While Sulu hides his with his humor, LK4 makes his game visible by having 2 major contenders (Koketso and Beverly) eating at the palms of his hand.

5. Betty and Delish- Both are seen as beauty without brain, while Delish attaches herself to every new HOH, Betty stands her ground making it known that she is a woman not to be toyed with. She also very smitten with Bolt and would do anything to protect him ( that worked for her as she got a vote from Sierra Leone at the last nomination). Both Girls are using their beauty and craftiness as an advantage in the game. Strong Contenders they are.

6. Fatima, Melvin and Angelo: These trio are so far one of the strongest if not the strongest. They are highly intelligent. They have managed to keep themselves agreeable, likable and presented themselves as least threats to housemates. Fatima and Angelo has escaped nomination twice while Melvin bagged a nomination once.These trio are players-players with right cards on their hands.

7. Natasha: The Malawian woman has shown she is a force to be reckoned with as she is always all over the faces of housemates. It's clear so many are intimidated by her and sees her as a strong contender following her escape from Eviction with three votes. I see her fan base soaring high if she is to survive yet another nomination.

8. Selly, Feza and Cleo: These are fierce, sexy divas not to be toyed him. Some housemates sees them as girls with no brains but i can bet these trio know exactly what they are doing: " win some, keep some, hold some, play with some and watch some housemates with arms akimbo". These girls are indeed very smart.

9. Annabel, Bolt, Mottama: These three are seen as using what they have to play the game however they want. They can easily change partners and allies with their smooth talk and actions. Annabel clearly can spot who to attached herself to. The Kenya lady had always been the stronger of the Kenya pair. The trio are under the radar/ not under the radar type making them visible yet protected by the crew they hang out with.

10. Oneal, Bassey and Bimp: These trio are very smart individuals, they appear sweet, nice, with a listening ear but their major goal is the cash price. None has attached themselves to any ladies, and they are allies to majority of the Housemates. They have been playing the game on a balanced scale. They portrayed themselves at least threats to the cash money

11. Beverly From Nigeria: The Nigeria lass is a chatterbox but since the outgoing of her fellow Nigerian - Melvin she seems to have toned down the talk a bit. Her love interest is Lk4( God knows why). People thinks she would quickly get over his rejection but i doubt though. All in all, she is a smart one because she knows going for either of the two( Koketso and Lk4)  would be seen as childish in the Eyes of Africa. She is also on the brisk of unleashing the strong personality that would shoot her as a very strong contender.

12. Elikem from Ghana: This brother has been an open book since the game started, i see consistency, his attachment to other West African Housemates and ally to few housemates from southern Africa. He is a stronger contender and has played the game with maturity. What might work against him though is his lies which seems to be unfolding at this stage of the game.

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