
Thursday 27 June 2013


Housemates gathered round the camp fire on day 31st to give watch over the "book" in the gardens.

While Ruby housemates gathered round camp fire sharing stories, diamond housemates delegated housemates to keep watch over the book.

2 ninjas visited the Diamond house in bid to steal the book. It took the intervention of Bimp who tackled the Ninja to recover the book.  It is interesting to see Diamond putting their best at winning the week's wager.

Unfortunately for Diamond house, Dillish and Hakeem slept the night away while the Ninja crept into the house at to steal the book. A barely awake Beverly saw the Ninja retreating but couldn't do anything.
It was a period of confusion for housemates fearing they had lost their wager for the week.

Big Brother was however merciful when he granted housemates another chance by Instructing Selly through the talking fish to return the book back to the garden. It was a relief for diamond housemates.

The cool headed Fatima lost her cool when she had almost a blow out with Sulu following Sulu eating the candies Fatima has slaved in preparing. If not for the Intervention of Feza and Natasha, the issue might have degenerated beyond a simple disagreement. Fatima accused Sulu of being  not empathic towards lots of issues that affect housemates to which Sulu replied Fatima do not naturally like him and is of the habit of complaining about every thing he does.

Fatima broke down in the diary afterwards telling Big Brother that she is not happy about what Bassey confided in her ( I don't know what it is all about). Biggie did his best to cheer the Malawi lass during her session with Him.

It is good to see Fatima and Sulu has resolved their difference (Sign of maturity). Both house mates laughed and chatted through the morning.

Elikem and Pokello and their continuous drama seems to be weighing some people down. Both housemates had yet another disagreement. Elikem accused the lass of being inconsiderate and judgemental. This didnt go down well with the belle who reiterated that she is who she is and that She wont back down nor be intimidated.

Bolt has not put the plan to woo Pokello into action though but were together in the kitchen cleaning and cooking today.

Maria and Selly had a heart-to-heart talk about their relationships. Maria stated she doesn't want to pursue a relationship with Angelo though she has shared a kiss with the South African. Selly chirped in by telling her of her intimacy with Nando. Maria who seems pleasantly surprised encouraged her to pursue Melvin instead stating Melvin is interested in Selly.

The outdoor task finally rounded up today.

Biggie told housemates that the new task would require housemates to prepared 3 course meal courtesy food ingredients from Shoprite.
Both house were so glad to be engaged in a new task that would not involve loss of sleep.

Maria has taken over the position of master chef in the diamond house while the free spirited housemates in Ruby house puts heads together in preparing a grand meal.

Housemates are expected to finish preparing the meal tonight after which their performances would be measured. Housemates are also to do a puppet show and story telling task tonight.

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