
Wednesday 19 June 2013


Monday's swap was a surprised for BBA followers as Bassey decided to safe Pokello and replace with Oneal while Annabel replaced herself with Motamma.
99.9% of viewers could bet she would put Melvin up for eviction. If you can recall Melvin replaced her during last week's safe and switch (part of the weekly nomination) . I am still can't understand why she decided to do that.

Head of house - Bassey took an initiative to settle the fiasco between Selly and Pokello. The discussion seems to pay both sides as both girls apologized and have moved on from the issue on ground.

The whole saga brought out Pokello's ill feeling toward Elikem's jumping from one girl to the other.
 Fatima confessed to big brother of her feelings for Elikem, she stated it now goes "a little" beyond the friendship stage and that she is very jealous of the budding relationship between Elikem and Pokello.

The no nonsense Pokello made her stand that she is not a woman to be toyed with . She told Elikem to take his stand or go the way of LK4.(hahahaha hmmm).

This seems to pay the Zimbabwe Divas as the duo has since been very close following the alteration. Elikem confided in Big brother that he would love to go on a rendezvous with Pokello, as she is his number one choice among the women "hopping" round him.

Natasha didn't take her nominations well, she cried and was comforted by Fatima. She explained that she can't place the reason why housemates would choose to nominate her 3 weeks in a row.
Natasha was so upset that she had to call an emergency meeting in the bedroom.

Her buddy Sulu fell asleep during the "long speech" and seems unmoved but while other housemates listened but it was obvious by their body language that they find the speech irrelevant and a waste of time ( I don't believe that would dissuade housemates from nominating her again if she survives this week's eviction).

Selly also confessed to Big Brother that her feeling for Sulu has gone beyond the friendship stage and she feels something deeper for him. She even hinted that Biggie should persuade Sulu to make a move at her.
The feeling seems Mutual because Sulu was all praise for the Ghanaian Belle. He went on and on about how intelligent and nice she Selly is.

Selly took the bull by the horn today as she gave a shocked Sulu a lap dance . The dance totally changed the mood of Sulu to a very joyful one. He was so energetic and happy afterwards.

The crush wall nomination was held today, with Selly and Maria winning majority of votes. Selly stated earlier on that she would love to be re-united with Melvin or get to meet Nando.

Maria on the other hand told Big Brother that she wouldn't want to go on a date with Angelo as she sees him as a brother and nothing more. Big Brother asked the slim beauty if she would go on a date if Angelo wins the crush wall nomination to which she replied that she would turn him down.

Melvin, Dillish and Maria would have had a fall out today, this was thankfully averted following Dillish and Maria anger as a result of Melvin telling them to "shut up" during a discussion.(Not good at all).

It is interesting to note that Dillish has been following Melvin sheepishly but the Brother seems unmoved as he has his eyes only focused on Maria. Maria shares same affection for Melvin. It remains to be seen whom she would take on her rendezvous.

Big brother gave each housemates "animal" costume. They were instructed to put it on during today's task. The day task as read by housemates required housemates to eat a bowl of ice cream on all four while having their hands tied behind their back. Some housemates like Pokello complained about the task being childish while others relaxed and explored the fun side of the task.

During Bassey's diary session he told Biggie that he regrets his decision to save Pokello and replaced her with Oneal. His reason was that Natasha would have been the ideal person since she is taking her nomination badly while Oneal is a reserve- pleasant man. Big Brother assured him to take it as a game and don't dwell on his action.

Seems the viewers are sharing same feeling with Diamond housemates when it comes to Bolt.
The housemate is seen as selfish, egocentric and rude. This is made manifest in the way he drags his feet when it comes to doing chores, the way he speaks and the disrespect toward Betty.

7 Housemates are up this week. Bolt, Betty, Motamma, Oneal, Nando and Elikem.

Who are you putting those votes for? Hit the vote button for your favorite.

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