
Monday 17 June 2013


The weekend was quite interesting as it dropped lots of shocker for most people.

The nomination blues got to Natasha who kept to herself most of the evening.

The weekend also got Pokello, Selly and Fatima fighting for Elikem's attention. The animosity toward themselves permeated through the walls of the Big Brother house.

Biguessa had his time out with Natasha, both housemates used the avenue to get to know each other and explore the happenings in the house.

Hakeem who was aggrieved by Cleo's refusal to move to the diamond house with him used the avenue to give Cleo a toy and the letter he penned to her. Both housemates reached a compromise to end the relationship ( imaginary one ) and concentrate on the game.

Saturday ended on a high note with the weekly Saturday night party. It started late for Diamond housemates though. It was good to see that Big Brother has controlled the amount of Alcohol at the party so there was no incidence of excessive drunkenness as visible in the previous party.

Sunday Morning started with Hair dressers coming into the house to style hair for nominated Housemates.
The moody was quite mellow as must kept reflecting on who would leave the big brother house during the eviction Party.

Natasha had to be comforted by Sulu after breaking down due to eviction Jitters.

The eviction show started at 7:00pm (West Africa Time) with both head of house revealing who they saved and replaced with it.

It was easy affair for Selly who revealed she swapped Neyll in place of Oneal while Melvin was sober when he revealed he saved Bolt and put Annabel in his place.

It was a double shock for Neyll when he heard Biguessa has been evicted from the Big Brother House, and equally shocking for him when he was told he has been evicted as well.

Pokello bagged the highest nomination votes with 8 votes, the highest since The chase commenced.

Day 22: Monday

Housemates had obviously gotten accustomed to the nomination show as they showed no sign of anger, remorse or sadness for the evicted.They went straight to the business of the day.

The feelings of Diamond housemates towards Bolt has not wan a bit. The Sierraleon Hunk got the most votes followed by Annabel and Nando while Ruby housemates decides to go for Elikem, Pokello and Natasha.

It remains to be seen whom the Head of House would save and replace tonight.

On an interesting Note, housemates had their diary session for the day.
 Biggie was not happy with housemates breaking BBA house rules. The main culprits were Selly, Elikem, Natasha and Fatima. He took his time to express his displeasure during housemates diary session.

 Selly who broke yet another rule by telling two housemates who she saved and replaced with got a warning and her diary session cut short as a result of laughing while Big Brother was expressing his displeasure. (Seems Biggie would dish out punishments soon).

Bassey after his exit from the diary room used the avenue to organise a "kangaroo" court. Oneal and Natasha were Judges while Pokello, Selly, Elikem  are the accused. Other housemates chose to be spectators ( hahahaha, it was so funny seeing some housemates going on and on).

Pokello's grievance was mainly on the relationship between Elikem and Selly, the previous week's swap, Selly's rudeness and both housemates chatting in their local dialect.

It took both two judges much effort to pacify the "lovers". It was fun to watch Elikem's other wives take a back sit and watch the proceed (Elikem is in a fix for sizzle).

The drama went on and on with Elikem chipping in that Hakeem warned him about Sulu and Natasha to the annoyance of Cleo who stood up for Hakeem; stating Hakeem's name should be excused as he is not there to defend himself.

Big Brother after having enough of the drama ( He kept Diamond's Diary session on hold through the period) called the court session to an end by announcing that the storeroom is opened.

The adage about food uniting people came to play as the court proceeding came to an halt instantly. hahaha ,Gluttons.

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