
Monday 3 June 2013


Housemates were treated to a game at the arena. Both houses faced themselves in a game of wit, fun and strength, with Diamond house triumphing.

Feza who was the Head of House got the mandate to replace two housemates with any two from the Ruby house.Her initial choice was Betty and Denzel but she made a change for Neyll and Denzel(Uganda) with a replacement of Melvin (Nigeria) and Hakeem (Zimbabwe) - a very smart choice.

Replaced Housemates settled in their respective homes but it seems Hakeem is taking it the hardest as he is seen most time with gloomy face while Denzel on the other hand unleashed the spirited side of himself. He was simply Denzel and did a dirty number with Beverly(Nigeria) right after being in the house.

Saturday night hosted the first party at both houses with Dj ? (From Kenya) waxing some beats for housemates. The housemates sure knocked themselves out.

Bimp, Angelo and Nando had a talk which they all promised to go big in the next head of house task at whatever cost.

Sunday was quiet a memorable day for housemates with Denzel (Uganda) and Hudda( Kenya) leaving the house with 2 votes each. Both  (former housemates) were granted a last request where an arrow was thrown back at Delish (To lay bed spread until Tuesday) and Nando to craw on four when in the garden.

Huddah took her elimination the hardest as she cried so hard ( for a moment i felt so awwww) while Denzel in his cheerful state was all bubbly.

Big asked for votes to be cast for the most Romantic moment in the house A. Hakeem asks Cleo on a date or B. Ruby Boys Serenades Ruby Girls.

Natasha didn't take it likely with Bassey and Beverly; the former for not telling her Beverly saved him and Beverly for nominating her. Beverly with tears on her face narrated her ordeal to Natasha stating her reason was on health ground. Seems Natasha is having none of it as she nominated the duo today.

How Africa Voted: Betty -5 votes, Selly 3 votes,Natasha - 3 votes Hudda- 2 votes, Denzel 2 votes.

Nomination was conducted at early hours of the day, with some backstabbing, some people getting even, some confused with their choices and some so certain. The housemates with most votes are: Hakeem, Biguessa, Bolt, Betty, Dellish, Lk4, Feza, Selly. Who would be up is yet to known.

Who do you think Betty and Selly would save?

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