
Monday 29 April 2013


19 year-old May Brown almost took her own life fearing deportation from the united Kingdom. This came after UK Border Agency officials believe her marriage to a white man  was not real and so they want her deported.

May, a student of public affairs at Weymouth College moved to the UK three years ago there she met her husband Michael Brown a year ago and they got married in December 2012.

She applied for asylum in the UK but she it was turned down.

A spokes man says the UK Border Agency officials believe their marriage was a ‘sham’ with no ‘emotional attachment’.”so while she was due to be deported  her husband and mother in-law insist that their marriage is real.

She was said to have been distressed at the prospect of returning to her home country that she took an overdose of medication after leaving a suicidal note. Below is an what the suicide note was alleged to have contained:

‘I am deeply sorry that I had to go this way, without even saying goodbye.
‘The UK immigration has finally driven me insane. They’ve pushed me too far this time and I can’t take the pain any more. ‘I don’t want a life or a future you won’t be part of. I love you so much, more than life itself and can’t endure the agony of not being with you.
‘Please forgive me for ending it this way. It’s better to die with my dignity than be subjected to torture and undignified death back in Nigeria.’
She said: ‘If they send me back to Nigeria they are signing my death warrant, they will cut my life short because I will be killed.
‘I have found peace with Michael, he gave me a reason to live. I have got a family here and we don’t claim any benefits.‘Michael works and I am studying to become a barrister, we have not harmed anybody.’

She is currently in a coma after attempting suicide.

This is serious! is Nigeria this bad?

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