
Thursday 4 July 2013


Housemates began the week's task with no extra push up from Big Brother. It is clear that the week's task is the most enjoyed by housemates since the inception of this season's show.

Natasha took over the position of the bride's aunt, Sulu the bride's father, Fatima and Annabel the Bride's Sisters while Angelo played the part of the Groom's uncle and Elikem the groom's brother.

It was hilarious watching Natasha and Sulu negotiating the bride prize with Angelo ( I laughed my eyes almost out when Sulu reiterated that Feza's bride prize is expensive because Feza is expensive). They made demands for cows amongst other things but later settled for carrots, Alcohol and other food items.

Ruby and Diamond housemates worked together as a team at putting finishing touch to The wedding Car. Oneal was seen in the garden most of the day painting the 4 setter car.

Day 38. Few Housemates came out for the weekly exercise. The housemates began decoration and putting final touch to the Stag and Hen party which happened in two different locations at both houses.

Diamond housemates proved to the viewers that they know how to rock the stars in them by putting an amazing Stag and Hen Party. (Impressive)

Big brother gave them sufficient alcohol to help "boost" their moral.

Beverly treated the boys in Diamond house to a raunchy stripper dance while Bassey reciprocated at the hens' party.

Elikem unleashed the stripper in himself by giving a blushing Feza the lap dance of her life.

While male housemates drank and had fun making toasts, the girls gathered in the bedroom to have s*x talk.
They lectured and showed both brides how to satisfy her men and various s**  position that would turn on their men ( Twas hot in there).

The party however ended on a sour note for Annabel and the boys when the boys led by Oneal gave the Annabel serious tongue lashing for stealing a drink. The Kenya diva stood her ground for a while before giving into tears when Oneal when on and on with his "lectures".

Day 39- The housemates were seen on their toes most of the day rehearsing, baking, cooking and arranging the house for tonight's grand show.

 The girls were pleased when Big brother showered them with goodies needed for tonight's wedding ceremony.

Natasha was delegated as the marriage official, Angelo the best man  while Bimp is the groom in Diamond house.

Females housemates decorated the wedding cake while the males checked up on the wedding cars and their apparel for tonight's events.

The week's power of No task competition was won by Natasha and Beverly. It remains to be seen whom they would use this new power on tomorrow.

Pokello and Elikem each won the week crush wall. Both housemates got the most nomination for the week.
Pokello was ecstatic like she won a Grammy when Big brother announced she won the most crush.

Fatima could deduce that Elikem would use the avenue to take Pokello on a date.

This didn't go well with the lass who complained that Ruby housemates sees her as snatching Elikem from Pokello.

The mellowed Selly was put in a spot yesterday by her fellow contestants when they asked why she is in a love triangle with Nando and Sulu. Her response was that it all strategy and nothing more ( Really?)

During the day's diary session, Housemates assured Big Brother that they would pull through the task and that they will win the week's wager..

To the Forth coming party, DJ Xclusive will get every one dancing this Saturday . 9:00pm West Africa  Time ( I am so excited).

Angelo, Fatima, Bimp, Hakeem, Nando Cleo and Natasha are up for evicting. SmS the name of your favorite housemates to the short code of your country.

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