
Friday 5 July 2013


Housemates from both houses finally had the chance to present the task for the week. The decoration was on point at both houses.

In ruby house, Sulu walked a blushing Feza to the garden where her bride's maids (Fatima and Annabel) were waiting. Both exchanged vows in front of the officiating minister ( Pastor Elikem). Probably because i expected more from them, both didn't act the part well. Feza was blushing badly and stammering all through.

In diamond house, the decoration was not as impressive as the Ruby house but they made up for the lack by putting a lively show. A dashing Melvin walked Cleo to the garden, it was sweet to see Hakeem singing love song while the bride is ushered into the Minister's presence. Bishop Bassey officiated like a pro and helped them in exchanging their vows.

Both house settled to the lovely wedding cakes while toast was made to the grooms and brides by their fellow housemates.

An impressed Big brother announced that they had won the week's wager. Diamond housemates were the most joyous, the reason being that they lost their wager for 2 consecutive weeks until last night.

Hakeem and Cleo settled in the bath tub to celebrate their union ( Other housemates were peeping through  the fish thank). Did they do it? Yes i think so, however the video is not yet available in the BBVIP. (Eish why must be pay to see that,..hehehe).

Biggie rewarded housemates with pizzas and 2 bottles of customized drinks.

It was good seeing diamond housemates turning up for the day's exercise despite yesterday's partying.

Beverly and Natasha were called to say who they want to use the power of No task on.
Natasha played the smart card and opted out by using the Power of No task on herself while Beverly was quick to use it on Pokello, she stated Pokello intends to go the Ruby hence the reason she chose him.

Housemates gathered for the week's HOH task. They were made to catapults dart. Fortunately for first timer Oneal, he fired close to home and won the HOH task for the week in Ruby house. Faith also smiled on Hakeem as he won HOH for Diamond (Isnt it a concidence) .Both Fella were grooms at yesterday's wedding. Congratulations to you both.

Housemates for the second time gather for the Arena game for a show down between the Diamond and Ruby house.

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