
Tuesday 2 July 2013


Day 36 - Housemates gathered in the lounge to hear the names of nominees for possible eviction.
For some it was a big relief not hearing their names, while others were unmoved when they heard their names called.

Fatima was full of laughter when her name was mentioned (This is the first time she would be facing the eviction block).

Heads of both Houses were called into the diary room for a safe and replace. Elikem saved himself and replaced with Oneal at first but decided to go for Angelo (This is the 1st time the South Africa would be facing the eviction block too).

Melvin saved Selly and replaced her with Hakeem (Zimbabwean).
Housemates up for possible eviction are: Hakeem, Pokello, Nando, Bimp, Fatima, Cleo and Angelo.

Day 37-  After the day 's exercise Big Brother announced that the week's task would incorporate the physical and Mental.

A male housemates was to select a ring while another Female Housemate was select a matching bow tie before a pair up would be made.

Oneal selected a ring that matched the colour of Feza's bow tie while Beverly selected matching colour with Hakeem's ring. Beverly however decided to swap with Cleo thereby leaving Cleo and Hakeem with same colour of Tie and ring.

The task of the week requires that Housemates works as a team to design a wedding apparel, Build a wedding car and  for them to get into various roles for a wedding themed task.

Both houses wagered 100% for week's task.

Hakeem stated his reservation about his relationship with Cleo. He confided in Big Brother that the Zambian lass has not been honest with him so far.

Feza also seems to want to slow down the pace at which her relationship with Oneal is going. This was apparent in the way she kept hammering Elikem to effect a swap that move Oneal to the Diamond house after they win the arena's competition.

Selly finally got the memo by vowing to give Nando a space following the discussion she had with Cleo. Cleo adviced she give the Tanzania enought space for the lad to come in terms to what he wants from their "friendship".

Nando (The hit and run lover) now have his eyes set on his Dillish and has confided in Bimp of his desire to pursue the Nambian Beauty.

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