
Monday 1 July 2013


Friday Day 33 - Ruby housemates won the Arena tasked yet again and had to make the weekly swap. Feza sent an upset Pokello and Bassey to the Diamond house and replaced with Maria and Annabel.

Diamond house lost their wager for the second time.

Elikem become the HoH for the new week in diamond house while Melvin (2nd time) become HOH in Diamond house.

Day 34 - Dillish settled with Sulu in the rendezvous room in bid to know Sulu but it was clear the Restless Sulu wanted to talk about Selly instead. He fired Dillish with barricades of questions about who and who Selly is hanging out it. The smart Dillish, stylishly maneuvered her way out of his persistent questions.

He got the chance to speak with Selly during his second date. Selly stated that she wasn't interested romantically with the Zambian dude. The chat seems to yield little fruit as Sulu adamantly claimed his feelings for Selly remains same.

Bassey chose Beverly as his partner for the rendezvous. They used the avenue to chat about happenings in the Big Brother house.

The weekly Saturday party took place in one of the house. It was so off point that housemates complained bitterly afterwards of how drab the DJ's mixes were.

Housemates were merged for an hour after the party. During the 1 hour hangout, the news of Selly's S*x with Nando has filtered through the House. Nando bragged that he had slept with the Belle three times. A not so impressed Oneal told Sulu to forgive Selly's shortcoming and be the friend she needs at this "trying times"

Day 35 Nominated Housemates dressed glamorously for the evening. It was a surprised for Sulu when he heard that he has been saved by the HoH (Feza). Both HOHs told IK who they saved and with whom they replaced them with.

Bolt and Maria became the 9th and 10th housemates to be evicted from the Big Brother with a vote each.
Dillish and Pokello got 4 countries votes each while Annabel got 3 votes each. Natasha and Hakeem escaped the eviction hook narrowly with a vote each.

Housemates were shocked to see Bolt evicted. They stated during a hangout in the garden that they believed the Sierra Leone Hunk would be in the house till ( probably) the end of the show.

Day 36. Housemates nominated for the six time (since the show started) for housemates they want for possible eviction.

Seem bad luck loves to tag along with Pokello, unmindful of her new abode. The lass got most votes in Diamond house while Elikem, Fatima, Nando, bimp, Selly and Cleo followed with 3 votes and  5 votes ( For Fatima).

Luckily Beverly, Melvin, Sulu, Angelo, Bassey, Hakeem and Natasha missed the nomination sword with 0 and a vote each.

Nando proved he is a kiss and tell or Shag and move on by nominating Selly for possible eviction ( Evil boy, lol)

Feza revealed in the gardens that she would love to be separated from Oneal so that she can have breathing space.

She used Cleo and Hakeem's relationship as a point of call. She also pleaded that Pokello shouldn't be brought back to the Ruby house as she did Elikem a favour by sending her to the Diamond house.

An agreeable Elikem stated he would want to bring Selly back to Ruby house but was mum about bringing Pokello back to Ruby house.

It remains to be seen whom HOH would safe and replace with. Keeping our arms crossed for Elikem and Melvin's replacements at 7pm Monday Night.

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