
Thursday 30 May 2013


I know post of mine would get some tongues wagging especially those of some Nigerians. It doesn't imply i hate or wish our reps bad yet i am a woman whom is known to speak her mind. Sometimes swayed by the wind i my affection could go from like to dislike and vice versa.

 All in all, it is the respect for our great continent that keeps that spirit in me burning alive.

Big Brother season 8 has blessed us with two diverse individual from Nigeria. Beverly and Mevin!

 Mevin is the solo going, quiet, fun, lovable dude while our Beverly has proved to be the opposite, she is loud, chatterbox, beautiful, not secretive, excessively blunt and crude( my opinion).

Beverly has done nothing than to continuously chat her "over powering" ways into our ears( whether we want to or not) with tales of sexual abuse, abortion, witchcraft experiences, child abuse, unstable home, theft and the overall outspokenness about the ills of the country.

At the moment, i fear for her chance as there is division in her "lovers" camp. Those against her are termed haters (hopefully not to get our heads severed)

I feel she is karen's wanna be and some how looked coached.

Why same words used by Karen. It got me pondering, are most Nigeria ladies in the wrong relationship? are majority really molested or abused?

I hope some day, she gets to read this and cut her excessive talk. A woman who talks way too much should watch for that downfall along the corner.

What's your take? are you loving the tjatjarags/ talk train? or not?


  1. Melvin - say it so many times - I agree that it will take a conscious effort to avert resisting that urge to unconsciously say Kevin instead of Melvin - kevin abi?!what a guy that guy was in his season

    Beverly is loud/opionionated but not in your face-ish like karen who I don't think bev is trying to replicate - that's bev otherwise the inconsistencies in her tale would have started sipping out from yapping so much - remember nkenna?the things she has talked about revolve around her life/her situation/circumstances that regard,I'd look at her as an open book - a person whp would gladly bring you into her world - if that's the sense you refer to her as unsecretive,gbam!I agree completely - you haven't said anything so far to be labelled a hater but my eyes are watching you

  2. Melvin - say it so many times - I agree that it will take a conscious effort to avert resisting that urge to unconsciously say Kevin instead of Melvin - kevin abi?!what a guy that guy was in his season

    Beverly is loud/opionionated but not in your face-ish like karen who I don't think bev is trying to replicate - that's bev otherwise the inconsistencies in her tale would have started sipping out from yapping so much - remember nkenna?the things she has talked about revolve around her life/her situation/circumstances that regard,I'd look at her as an open book - a person whp would gladly bring you into her world - if that's the sense you refer to her as unsecretive,gbam!I agree completely - you haven't said anything so far to be labelled a hater but my eyes are watching you

  3. to soon to judge anybody,by the 2nd week they would have calmed down alot more,at the moment it's like they acting for the camera's. Beverley is a young vibrant rocking chick, I already like her lots, and her brash personality should not be shot down as fake quite yet.Anyone who is different is frowned upon and harshly judged. I like her craziness, it's better than watching people sleep and be boring. I wish her the best of luck in BBA and hope she wins. That's just my opinion.

    Malvin is a smooth dude, very sweet,but I think he is still going to surprise us as time goes on, because the quiet one's under the radar are the one's to watch out for. Good luck to him,I hope he entertains us well

  4. @Anonymous 17:50, u are probably correct about Judging soon, but a fair judgement of what we see at moment have a part to play in one's brain.

    Your loyalty is commendable.I hope she piped down soon.

    I wish both reps well!

    Your comment is highly appreciated.

  5. Dylan! well said.

    I hope not to prove you wrong about this assessment in 3 weeks time.

    hahahaha nice 1
