
Monday 8 July 2013


The Head of House for Ruby house did the weekly swap after winning the Arena game. Feza and Annabel were returned back to Diamond while Selly and Pokello came back to Ruby house.

Upon entering the house Pokello told an distraught Oneal that Feza requested that Elikem takes her to the Diamond house.

 Selly when interrogated by the Ruby housemates about her relationship with Nando denied ever sharing bed with the Tanzania, the Ghanaian  claimed they only kissed (What a fat lie)

Pokello and Elikem had their rendezvous on Saturday evening. It was annoying seeing them arguing rather than making use of the space to relax. A frustrated Elikem told the carefree Pokello that their relationship in the Big Brother was over when the discussion seems to yield no positive result.

Saturday night was the best party for housemates (They said so) as DJ Xclusive rocked housemates to various genre of songs. The party was so hot that Angelo and Beverly were dirty dancing to the shock of some viewers at home. While the Party was on-going Bassey used the avenue to run into the Ruby house to  steal their drinks and cookies.

As housemates gathered in the Ruby house after the party, Beverly and Angelo shared simmering hot kisses in the bedroom. Thankful the little control from Beverly put a stop to "what might have happened" ( Hahahaha your guess is as good as mine ).

After the party, Sulu fortunately searched in the cabinet only to notice the booze was missing. The house was almost turned in commotion center until Angelo discovered the missing items. A non too pleased Oneal and Sulu chastised Bassey non stop. Sulu even threatened to throw Bassey out of the Ruby house. (Hmm is it his personal house ?)

The party was heated up for Feza, Oneal and Elikem.  Oneal was angry that Feza chose to leave the diamond house and pretended as if she wasn't aware of the Elikem's Swap.

The quick intervention of Biggie calling Oneal to the diary room averted a pretty bad situation. ( is this the end of Oneza?)

Bassey had a heart- to heart talk with Annabel. He recounted how his lady love left him on religion reasons. Annabel listened and consoled the Sierraleone lass.

On Sunday 7th, Hakeem and Fatima were evicted from the Big brother house. It was a thing of shock for housemates when a perceived strong contender was evicted from the house. Pokello took Hakeem's eviction badly and she was heard saying " f*ck all West African modafuckas ( Was pissed for days).

Natasha broke down in tears when her country mate was evicted, it took intervention of some housemates to calm her down (I guess reality is sinking in gradually)

Melvin became the Head of House following the eviction of Hakeem on Monday 8th July

The weekly Nomination was held in the morning of Day 43, housemates with most nomination for both houses are:
Elikem, Pokello, Natasha, Melvin, Annabel and  Cleo.

It remains to be seen whom the head of house(s) will save and whom they will replace with at 7.PM West Africa Time.

Housemates held their diary session for the day. Pokello, Cleo, Bimp and Angelo thanked Africa for saving them.

Pokello talked about how disappointed she was at Hakeem's eviction. She stated that Feza is intimidated by her good looks and her carriage.

Beverly opened up about her feelings for Angelo. She told Big Brother that Angelo is a good husband material and that she hopes to pursue a relationship with him.

Angelo was thankful for being saved. He also told Big he admires Beverly and thinks she is beautiful. He hopes to get to know her better in the house.

Melvin was sad about Hakeem's exit. He claims he believed Hakeem would survive the eviction hence his decision to put him in Selly's place. He says he doesn't know what to expect from Africa following Hakeem's eviction. He used the avenue to make a shout out to Hakeem.

Selly says she was happy that she was saved by Melvin. She took turns at passing snide comments at Beverly saying it's not her fault that guys finds her attractive and not Beverly.

Sulu pulled a nomination stunt by going for Natasha. In his diary session he told Big brother that he needs to be focused on the game from this time on and that this is no longer about brother and sister ( hmmmmm Sulu)

Cleo thanked Africa for saving her. She broke down saying she misses Hakeem and that she is trying at the moment to be strong. She says those she trust in the house are Bimp, Bassey, Angelo and Sulu

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